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The Student Site of Castilleja School


The Student Site of Castilleja School


The Student Site of Castilleja School


Students use technology in classroom
The enforcement of Castilleja’s Tech Policy: How do teachers feel?
By Isabelle Chen and Kaycie Nuckles | January 22, 2025

According to the Castilleja Student and Parent/Guardian Handbook, “Mobile phones should be silenced and remain in bags/backpacks… [they] are not to be used inside any Castilleja buildings [and students] should only bring out...

The SATs were made to fail certain groups, trapping generations in toxic cycles that push them down further. Why are colleges still requiring them?
The test we should fail: Start filling in equality, not bubbles
By Emily Lin | January 23, 2025

In the history of our broken educational system, Americans have bravely conquered a hundred issues - from PTA reforms to student safety to allowing teens who can’t even spell...

Overall, it seems that expanding California’s battery storage will still be crucial for lowering carbon emissions and achieving 100% renewable energy.
Solar batteries for 100% green
By Anya Sheng | January 23, 2025

Green energy is great! Even so, there are some common arguments against it. With nuclear, the problem is waste and health issues. With wind,...

A deep-dive into the history and current trends of the Castilleja uniform polo
A white polo in a sea of blue
By Deeksha Venkat, Staff Writer | January 22, 2025

When strolling through the Castilleja campus, there are many things to be noted. Uniform and tech violations, ping pong games, panicked studying...

Chloe You shares her experience of expression through art.
Chloe You: The beauty of artistic expression
By Maddie Park, Editor of Opinions | January 23, 2025

Senior Chloe You ’25 began drawing when she was five, and art has become one of her favorite hobbies since then. Coming to Casti allowed You...

Players and coaches weigh in on the various factors that influence playing time.
The coach’s dilemma: Playing time in winter sports
By Emma Siegel and Anya Dalal | January 18, 2025

As fall sports wrap up and winter sports begin pre-season, many basketball and soccer players are thinking about the same thing: “What will...