Email sign-offs and how to interpret them


Parisa Braun

Those two words have much more meaning than what meets the eye.

A guide to interpreting classic email sign-offs:

If you feel targeted, good.

Best regards

They don’t actually care that much but are wishing you the best to be courteous. Be warned.


A classic sign-off. Can’t go wrong with traditional sign-offs, right? Sure, if it’s pre-industrial revolution. Okay, boomer, please get with the times.


Sure, it works. But IDK, maybe try something new? We have a whole list here for you.



You’re a dying breed. Please come back. I mean, if people start their emails with “Hi” or “Hello,” why not finish it that way?

Thanks again

A doormat. An exclamation point probably comes free with this one.


This is barely an upgrade from “thanks again.” Maybe more of a welcome mat.

Thanks in advance

This is neither an upgrade nor a downgrade. They either exude confidence or are close to wetting themselves. They might fully be expecting the receiver to follow through, or they’re really, really, really hoping you do whatever they’re asking in the email. No in-between.

Thank you

Still a doormat. Fortunately, thanks to sixth-grade email etiquette, you’ve internalized the idea that you can’t use contractions in emails. Nice job, now, please stop sending all school emails. The “reply all” button is not mandatory. Resist the temptation. Remember: you’re sending emails about your lost AirPod and Fendi glasses to Ms. Kauffman. Ok? Ok.

Stay healthy

No one signs their emails off like this. And by no one, I mean my brother. Hopefully, other than the misguided seventeen-year-old that he is, literally no one else signs their emails off like this. I mean, I have nothing against wishing someone a healthy life, but this is just weird.


Short and sweet, right to the point. They don’t have time for dilly dally, and they’ve already spent half the day going through their inbox. These people lead busy lives and don’t concern themselves with messy email writing. My mother’s personal favorite.

All the best

Not only are they wishing you the best, but they are also wishing you ALL the best. These people are the definition of warm and cuddly. Where the best regards fakers don’t actually care, the all the bests genuinely hope you become a hottie, win the lottery, and settle down with a nice, juicy retirement fund.

Just their name

These people are the bosses. They are confident, in charge, and self-assured. These people are so comfortable in their own skin that they feel no need for further elaboration. With merely just a name, the receiver is already shaking in their boots. Bonus points if they include their phone number.


Hey, English department. If we aren’t concluding emails, can we stop concluding essays? Just read it again.


I don’t understand this one. What if I wanted to be chilly? Seems a little presumptuous to me.


You probably send your friends nice texts to check in on how they’re doing. In terms of wholesomeness, probably a 10/10.


Hi, Mr. Mitchell! Loving it. Keep up the good work! A+ (unfortunately, not reflective of my grade in his class).

– – 

Dashes included. Profesh.


Aw. Enjoying the pen pal energy.

No sign-off

They’re either lazy or see no need to clarify. Perhaps they think you’ll figure it out from the email handle. You can never tell.


Trying too hard to be casual. They may think the non-sign-off route is too rude, and therefore they’re trying to revert to a safer option of emoji use.